Civic Mail Pakka Local

‘30 potholes from Uppal to Nagole’: Resident sits in protest demanding quality roads

Road quality protest nagole

Nagole: Potholes on the city roads have been a consistent problem for many residents in several localities in Hyderabad. The ride through the pothole ridden roads is a nightmare to residents, causing accidents and health issues to many. Now, unable to take it anymore, a resident sat in protest in Anandnagar against the poor condition of roads calling out the officials to take action.

In the visuals that are now going viral, amidst a busy road, a lady can be seen sitting in a pothole towards the side of the road, which is filled with mud water. It can also be seen that traffic constables and others are trying to convince her to get up.

The lady has also shown a poster, while walking into the pothole along with other residents urging the authorities to take action.

Speaking to the media, she said that earlier her kids who were using that way has fallen down twice because of the bad condition of the roads. “From Uppal to Nagole there are 30 potholes, anyone can measure, they would understand. It’s an everyday ordeal, please solve this problem,” said the lady.

‘Election code in place has become a hurdle’

With the protest, officials such as corporator and zonal commissioner reached the spot and tried to convince her. In connection with the official response, the resident said, “ We were told that the budget is allocated and sanctioned. But either the commissioner or the corporator did not say any deadline for the completion of this project. We want a deadline, till then, I would not say anything. But we need this to be completed and our problem should be solved.”

She further added that the officials have told her that the Election Code is in place. “Though there is an election code, we at least want to know when the officials can work on this, we need a deadline, when our problem would be solved,” lamented the resident.