Campus Beat Hyderabad

University of Hyderabad students calls off protest, administration revokes suspension

University of Hyderabad protest

Gachibowli : Following student protest, the University of Hyderabad has revoked the suspension of five students, who were earlier suspended for protesting in the University. The students have also called off their protest. “For now, the sit-in protest at the Velivada has come to a successful end with the suspensions being revoked.”

Students informed the Hyderabad Mail that the administration met the Students Union and the protesting students and announced the revocation of the suspension on the five students. “It is yet again a historical achievement of the progressive students movement of the HCU against the RSS and Sang backed administration, which has time and again targeted student leaders and stakeholders from marginalised communities. The students union stands unmoved in its fight against the autocratic, brahminical administration and will always continue its struggle for the rights of students,” said the SU in a statement.

Recently, the University of Hyderabad administration had suspended the student Union president and four other students who are the members of the Student Federation of India (SFI) after their protests.

In response to this, the Students union said that “It is a direct attack on students’ right to free speech and dissent. It especially targeted marginalised students who have overcome generational struggles to reach HCU. It put their academic futures in jeopardy and threatened the loss of their fellowships.” Following this, students went on a six day long sit-in protest at Velivada, also called North shopcom.

Condemns fine for peaceful protests

Earlier the UoH administration had also levied a fine of Rs.10,000 on students and now has been reduced to Rs.5000. Reacting on this the students body said that “Though the students Union appreciates the revocation of the suspension, we believe that an amount of total Rs.75,000 (total on all students) is an outrageous amount to demand from students who do not have a source of earning. In fact, any amount of fine imposed is completely unacceptable for protesting or resisting democratically. Especially when there has been no damage to any public property. The students union condemns this decision of imposing fines on students and rejects such punitive attacks on students, protesting for their rights.”