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Telangana government orders the release of 213 Cherlapalli jail prisoners

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Telangana Cherlapalli Prison Release

Hyderabad : The Telangana government has issued a Government Order sanctioning the special remission of 213 prisoners on Tuesday. The Home Department – Prisons has released the order.

In an order dated July 2, 2024, it is said that “The Government has taken a policy decision to grant special remission to life and non-life convicted prisoners who have been convicted for offenses against laws relating to matters to which the executive power of the state extends.”

Further, it also mentioned that all the eligible candidates were scrutinized by a scrutiny committee under the chairmanship of the Principal Secretary to Government, and further recommended the list of candidates to the government. “The committee after detailed examination of each prisoner’s case has recommended the premature release of a total 231 cases.”

However, of the 231 cases, some of the prisoners were either expired or have already been released, at least 18 such cases have fallen under the above mentioned category. As a result, 213 prisoners are being released now.

It is pertinent to note that the remission is being exercised under the powers conferred under Article 161 of the constitution of India read with section 433 A of code of Criminal procedure, 1973. Further Governor the state has also approved the remission of the 213 prisoners, following which they are going to be released.

Special conditions

The prisoners would be released on certain conditions. “All premature releases under this GO shall be subject to execution of a personal bond or Rs.50,000, keep peace and be of good behavior till the period of completion of sentence and to appear and receive sentence, if required for not maintaining good conduct and behavior. The prisoners after release shall appear before the district probation officer and police station concerned once in three months till the completion of an unexpired portion of sentence.”