
Misbranded food articles found at Seasons Multi Cuisine Restaurant, Hotel Rumaan in Tolichowki

Food safety inspections Tolichowki

HYDERABAD: The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) conducted inspections on July 3 (Wednesday) in the Restaurants near Tolichowki area. Inspections focused on hygiene standards in local restaurants. The inspection revealed several health violations in 4 Seasons Multi Cuisine Restaurant and Hotel Rumaan, raising concerns about food safety in the area.

Misbranded items at 4 Seasons Multi Cuisine Restaurant

Inspectors found that 4 Seasons Multi Cuisine Restaurant failed to display a true copy of its FSSAI license. The restaurant had misbranded items like Sweet Sounf, Fry Sounf, and Potli ka Masala, which lacked manufacturing or packing dates. Despite food handlers wearing headgear and uniforms, stored food articles were not covered or labelled properly.

Pest control records were available, but medical fitness certificates for food handlers were missing. The FBO stated that diagnostic tests were completed, but certificates were still pending. The kitchen premises had significant issues: it was open to the outside environment from one side without an insect-proof screen, and the doors were not close-fitted, allowing entry of pests and dust. Open dustbins, water stagnation near cleaning areas, and loose plastering flakes inside the kitchen premises further highlighted the restaurant’s poor hygiene standards.

Hygiene issues at Hotel Rumaan

Hotel Rumaan displayed its FSSAI license at the billing counter and food handlers wore proper headgear and uniforms. However, inspectors found that stored food articles inside the refrigerator were not covered or labelled properly. While pest control records and medical fitness certificates for food handlers were available, the kitchen premises were open to the outside environment without an insect-proof screen. The doors were not close-fitted, and open dustbins were observed.

The inspection team also noted patchy flooring and loose plastering flakes on the ceiling, indicating poor maintenance of the premises. These issues pose significant risks to food safety and public health.

The FSSAI and local health authorities urge restaurants to adhere to strict hygiene standards to ensure food safety. They emphasize the importance of displaying FSSAI licenses, properly covering and labelling stored food articles, and maintaining clean and well-sealed kitchen environments. Restaurants must also ensure that all food handlers have up-to-date medical fitness certificates.