
White Bengal tiger, Abhimanyu passes away in Hyderabad Zoo

White Bengal Tiger, Abhimanyu Passes Away In Hyderabad Zoo

Bahadurpura: In an unfortunate event, a nine year old, White Bengal Tiger, Abhimanyu passed away in Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad on Tuesday afternoon.

According to the Nehru Zoological Park, a male Bengal Tiger, White in colour named, Abhimanyu was born on February 2, 2015 in the Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad and born to Sire: Badri and Dam namely Surekha and Sameera.

It is said that Abhimanyu was sick since April 21, 2023 and was suffering from Nephritis with 1st stage of renal problem. Zoo officials informed that “Many experts in the field of Veterinary Medicine, Tiger experts and other Zoos were also consulted regarding the health condition of the Bengal Tiger. They have suggested many medications and treatments to overcome the problems.” However, the treatments yielded no results and the condition of the animal worsened.

Recently the condition of Animal was deteriorating and the animal was even unable to wake up or walk properly since May 5, 2024. “After several blood tests were repeated and continued the treatment as per Experts suggestions,” said the Zoo.

Since May 12, the animal started suffering from Rheumatism and was not taking any food. “The animal was critical in the past three days with lateral recumbency, where in fluid therapy along with medications was continued to revive the animal. Unfortunately, with profound grief we have to announce that the animal passed away on May 14, 2024 at 2:15pm in its enclosure,” said the official note from the Zoo.

Death due to chronic renal failure

The Zoo officials further informed that they have conducted the post-mortem in the presence of Veterinary Experts from The Veterinary Biologicals & Research Institute(VBRI) and CVSc, Hyderabad and the cause of death was inferred to be due to “Chronic renal failure”.

All samples were collected and sent to VBRI, Hyderabad for detailed laboratory diagnosis.
“Despite best efforts of our Wildlife Hospital & Rescue Centre dedicated veterinary doctors, Experts, Animal Keepers personal involvement we were not able to extend the life of our majestic animal White Tiger Abhimanyu and we profoundly mourn the loss of Abhimanyu,” said the Zoo officials.