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‘Another Velivada emerged in HCU’: students sits in protest to revoke suspensions

Velivada Protest University Of Hyderabad.

Gachibowli: After eight years of Rohith Vemula episode in University of Hyderabad, another Velivada emerged in the vicinity of the central university campus on Monday evening. This time the students sat in for a protest at the north shopping complex, the same location where Rohith Vemula and his friends sat, demanding to revoke the suspension of students.

“Another Velivada Emerged in UoH After 8 years. Elected Students union president and 4 Students were suspended for doing a Protest at VC lodge, 10,000 rupees fined on 5 Students and an FIR also filed . Such Shameful act again repeating in UoH after the Rohit incident. History didn’t teach lessons to Univ Admin,” said a student from the University of Hyderabad.

Earlier on Monday, a protest call was given by the students at the admin block. Some of their demands include, revocation of suspension of Students union president and four others students and revocation of FIRs filed on the students.

How did it all start?

It is pertinent to note that previously, five students including the Student’ Union president, ex-students union members, and members of the Students Federation of India (SFI) have received suspension for six months and five more members of the SFI have been fined for an amount of Rs.10,000. The suspension is reportedly for protesting against the administration, which ‘unilaterally’ postponed Sukoon, a cultural fest in the campus, thus depriving the outgoing students, the cultural fest that they had awaited the whole year.

Velivada Protest University Of Hyderabad

In their statement, the students union stated that “The administration deliberately delayed the decision and denied the rights of the students by a spate of unwarranted complications. The administration waited until the last minute, even though students had already booked their tickets and the union paid advances from their pockets to the vendors. Then the administration sent a letter to the police asking for permission.”

Further the Students union added that though the Deputy Commissioner of police assured union members of full cooperation from the police department, the admin still postponed the Sukoon, citing lack of permission. “This shows the administration’s apparent betrayal of the students union,” read their statement.

“It is highly regretful that the university administration, instead of focusing on the issue of students and bringing peace on campus, is instead going for a witch hunt of progressive voices,” added the statement.