Campus Beat Hyderabad

UoH students’ union protests administration’s suspension, fines


HYDERABAD: The University of Hyderabad (UoH) Students’ Union for 2023-2024 has called for a protest on campus, alleging that five students, including the Students’ Union President, ex-Students’ Union members, and office bearers of the Students Federation of India, have been suspended for six months.

The students union also alleged that five more office-bearers of SFI have been fined Rs 10,000. The Students’ Union alleged that the students were suspended for protesting against the administration, which unilaterally postponed Sukoon, thereby depriving outgoing students of the cultural fest they had eagerly awaited all year.

The Students’ Union at HCU expressed deep frustration over the administration’s handling of Sukoon, emphasising its significance as a unifying event for students, faculty, and staff to celebrate cultural diversity without hierarchy.

Despite financial constraints and administrative delays, the Union proceeded with arrangements, only to face a last-minute postponement due to an alleged lack of permissions. This decision led to peaceful protests, which were met with severe repercussions: police intervention, FIRs, and disciplinary actions against students, including threats to their academic futures and livelihoods.

The union criticised the administration’s prioritisation of bureaucratic hurdles over student welfare, contrasting it with their inaction on recent campus violence. They argued that targeting progressive student leaders and cutting their fellowships was excessive and unjustified, indicative of suppressing dissent rather than addressing campus issues.

They called for solidarity among students against what they perceived as authoritarian measures aimed at stifling voices advocating for student rights and justice. The Union condemned these actions, urging the broader community to mobilise against perceived injustices and support those affected by the administration’s punitive measures.

The students demanded the revocation of the FIR against students and an end to the attack on the Students’ Union and dissenting voices.