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Transport staff demand safety, after attack at Khairatabad office on JTC Ramesh

Transport staff demand safety

Khairatabad: In a move highlighting concerns over workplace safety, transportation department employees in Hyderabad, India, submitted a memorandum to Transport Commissioner Jyoti Buddha Prakash on Friday. The action follows an attack against Joint Transport Commissioner(JTC) C.Ramesh in his cabin at the Regional Transport Authority (RTA) office in Khairatabad on Thursday. The transport department employees reportedly requested beefing up the security measures so that this kind of incident wouldn’t be repeated again.

Transport department employees condemned the recent attack on Hyderabad Joint Transport Commissioner Ramesh. In response to the attack, the union leaders announced a state-wide “pen down” protest on Friday. However after assurances from the Transport minister Ponnam Prabhakar and Transport commissioner Buddha Prakash they resumed the protest by wearing black badges and continued the servies.

Going further into details, Amanullah Khan, Convener of Autorickshaw union JAC reportedly lost his cool and assaulted Joint Transport Commissioner Ramesh on Thursday which sparked outrage in the department.

In connection with the same, the employees along with their unions/associations have met the Transport Commissioner and discussed the issued faced by the employees of the department in all cadres and submitted a memorandum requesting to issue necessary instructions not to encourage any Auto rickshaw union members in all the offices of Telangana State.

Speaking to Hyderabad mail Transport Department Technical Employees Association, President P. Ravinder Kumar, “This act of violence against a senior officer is unacceptable and must be met with swift justice. If a higher officer like him can be assaulted in his cabin, what about the situation of lower rank transport officials. Stringent action should be taken against the perpetrators”.

The Transport Commissioner has also strongly condemned the attack by wearing black badge, the matter has been discussed with the Transport Minister and will also be discussed with the e Chief Minister and requested all the employees to drop the strike and get back to work and he assured that a further necessary action will be taken on the culprit.

“After our protest on Thursday, Transport minister Ponnam Prabakhar spoke and assured us that measures will be taken to ensure that these kinds of incidents won’t be repeated. Subsequently we protested by wearing black badges,” said Ravinder Kumar.

Earlier, Minister Ponnam Prabhakar strongly condemned the attack on Joint Transport Commissioner Ramesh. Minister Ponnam Prabhakar posted in his X( formerly twitter) handle, “If there is any difficulty, complaints should be lodged but such attacks on officials are not right.
Regarding the attack on Joint Transport Commissioner Ramesh,I have spoken to police officials. Action has been ordered against the attacker adding that a case has already been registered against the person who attacked Ramesh”.

The Transport Department Technical Employees Association, President P. Ravinder Kumar, The Group – I Officers Association, President M. Chandrashekar Goud,Telangana Non-Gazetteed Officers’ Central Union, General Secretary S.M. Hussaini (Mujeeb), Telangana Gazetteed Officers Union, State General Secretary Satyanarayana, Telangana Gazetteed Officers Union Hyderabad District President Krishna yadav, The Telangana Non-Gazetteed Officers’ Union, RTA-Unit, President M. N. Arunender Prasad, The Transport Department Non Technical Employees Association, President D. Pradeep Ramakrishna and The Transport Department Non Technical Employees Association, District President Enjula Reddy, Telangana Transport Head Constables and Constables Association President N. Srinivas, and Telangana Last Grade Employee Union President G. Gyaneshwar participated in the protest and submitted the memorandum.