
Three members from Hyderabad family undergo Kidney stone surgeries

Ainu Doctors And Staff

Hyderabad: Kidney stones are a common problem, but it’s rare to see a father and his two sons suffering from the same issue. A family in Hyderabad experienced this, and Dr. Deepak Ragoori, Senior Consultant Urologist of the Asian Institute of Nephrology and Urology (AINU), explained their case. The father and elder son had been operated on previously, while the younger son of nine years recently developed kidney stones and needed emergency surgery. Although we can’t say it’s inheritance, it’s essential to be cautious when anyone in the family has a similar issue.

What do doctors say?

Dr Ragoori advises parents to take their children for regular checkups and recommends regular periodic follow-ups for children diagnosed with stones. A comprehensive metabolic evaluation is crucial to identify any treatable causes in this age group. It’s important to note that we cannot advise children about food restrictions because they are at a growing age and require a variety of nutrients. Additionally, children often engage in physical activities and may not consume enough water.

How to protect yourself from Kidney stones?

If your child has been diagnosed with kidney stones, seek medical advice and follow-up regularly. With appropriate medical intervention, conditions like excessive uric acid production or calcium deposits caused by parathyroid hormone imbalance can be treated.

Meanwhile, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, there are various ways in which our food intake can help in controlling this issue. “Drinking enough liquid, mainly water, is the most important thing you can do to prevent kidney stones. Unless you have kidney failure, many health care professionals recommend that you drink six to eight, 8-ounce glasses a day.”

It further added that, “Studies have shown that the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet can reduce the risk of kidney stones. And some other studies have shown that being overweight increases your risk of kidney stones. A dietitian can help you plan meals to help you lose weight.”