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TV9’s Rajinikanth condemns false social media attacks, promises legal action

Swathi Reddy Accuses Rajinikanth

HYDERABAD: TV9’s Managing Editor, V Rajinikanth, has denied allegations of corruption and misconduct made by Swathi Reddy. Rajinikanth condemned the accusations as baseless and defamatory. He stated that organized negative campaigns against him are attempts at character assassination. Rajinikanth emphasized that misinformation is being spread for personal agendas. He assured that those responsible will face legal action.

Cyber crime police issue notice to Swathi Reddy

On June 20, Rajinikanth filed a complaint against Swathi Reddy at the Cyber Crime Police Station in Hyderabad. The complaint led to the issuance of a notice to Swathi Reddy. The case is registered under Sections 469 and 505(1)(C) of the IPC. The notice directs Reddy to appear before the Cyber Crime Police on June 28 with relevant documents and evidence supporting her allegations.
Rajinikanth’s legal and social media statements aim to address the false allegations and protect his reputation. The police investigation seeks to uncover the truth and hold the responsible parties accountable. Rajinikanth’s firm stance indicates his commitment to combating false information and upholding integrity.

Allegations question Rajinikanth’s financial integrity

Swathi Reddy has made serious allegations against Rajinikanth, accusing him of spreading false stories to influence public opinion and threaten his channel’s employees. She alleges he published a fabricated article and forced his staff to circulate it. Reddy questions the legitimacy of Rajinikanth’s claims about his assets and financial transparency.
Swathi Reddy demands that Rajinikanth provide a public account of properties in his and his family’s names. She insists he prove he did not book special flights for political figures or receive income tax notices. Reddy also challenges him to deny owning a flat in SAS Crown or a villa in Mokila.
Further allegations include accusations of blackmail to acquire properties, involvement in a granite quarry under a relative’s name, and ownership of various properties and businesses under different aliases. Reddy accuses Rajinikanth of using his influence to amass wealth while maintaining a façade of modest living.
Swathi Reddy also highlights Rajinikanth’s alleged betrayal of his former mentor, Ravi Prakash, who supposedly provided him with significant career opportunities. She questions Rajinikanth’s ethics and challenges his portrayal as an honest journalist. Reddy asserts that Rajinikanth’s actions are contrary to his public image and calls for a thorough investigation into his activities.
In her tweet, Swathi Reddy criticizes Rajinikanth for filing a case against her instead of addressing the allegations directly. She expresses her determination to respond legally and publicly, maintaining that her actions are driven by a commitment to truth and accountability.
The escalating conflict between Swathi Reddy and V Rajinikanth underscores the importance of transparency and accountability in journalism. As the investigation proceeds, the focus remains on uncovering the truth and ensuring justice.