Civic Mail Hyderabad

Raj Bhavan Road residents urge underpass for traffic relief

Raj Bhavan Road underpass

Hyderabad: Residents of Raj Bhavan Road near the MS Maqta railway gate in Khairatabad are currently grappling with a pressing issue: chronic traffic congestion. The absence of an underpass (RUB) has led to the closure of the railway gate, disrupting traffic flow and causing significant delays and frustration for commuters. The need for an underpass is not just a wish but a necessity that residents believe would bring immediate relief by reducing traffic jams and improving overall traffic flow in the area. Urgently appealing to the Government of Telangana, the Roads and Buildings Department, and the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC), residents are calling for swift action to address this issue and consider their request for an underpass.

Speaking to Hyderabad Mail, MA Ahmed, a resident of Begumpet, highlighted the severity of the situation: “I frequently commute through this area, and there is always a massive traffic jam here. Traffic backs up on both sides of the gate whenever it closes for passing trains. The long wait times have prompted calls for an underpass (RUB) as a permanent solution.”

Ahmed emphasized that constructing an underground tunnel (RUB) is the only viable solution to end the traffic woes. Such an underpass would enable citizens to commute without experiencing traffic congestion. Ahmed urged the Government of Telangana and the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) to prioritize the issue and find viable solutions.

The densely populated area experiences gridlock at both ends of the gate whenever it closes for passing trains. Residents united in their struggle against traffic congestion have highlighted that the current situation causes significant bottlenecks, with waiting vehicles often blocking half of the road, exacerbating the problem. They have united in urging authorities to take immediate action and construct an underpass to alleviate traffic woes in the area.