
Controversial notice in Hyderabad sparks outrage over alleged bias in lift usage

Hyderabad Lift Usage Controversy

Hyderabad: The notice kept in a residential building in Hyderabad is gaining attention on social media for its concerning content: “A fine of 500 rupees will be imposed if maids, vendors, and delivery personnel use the passenger lift.” This has sparked outrage among X users, highlighting concerns about discrimination in such a prominent city.

Outrage Over Discriminatory Lift Policy in Hyderabad Residential Building

One user shared a personal encounter, recounting, “I went to the main lift with a plastic bag with my food and was in my casuals, the security came to me and asked me to use the service lift as I was a delivery boy. I had to tell him that I was staying in my company guest house.”

A citizen shared, “All maids/delivery boys should boycott this filthy building for two weeks. They will roll a red carpet for them.”

Another user suggested, “There is a Gandhian solution to this. It will need some effort, though. If you live in any of these societies, you should accompany your domestic worker in the regular passenger lift.”

Directly addressing the issue to the authorities, one user tagged “@hydcitypolice, this notice in a Hyderabad building imposes a Rs. 500 fine on maids, vendors, and delivery boys for using passenger lifts. This blatant discrimination and inequality must be stopped immediately. Please take swift action against this unfair practice. #EqualRights.”

Another user said, “It’s a residential society and not a public place. Every society will have its own set of rules, which will be decided based on elections or bylaws. Even if the apartment owner carries some big packages or bags, he has to take them from the service lift only.”

Buffalo Intellectual took to ‘X’ and posted, ” Hyderabad is a Hi-tech city; Cyberabad is the software capital. Savarna techbro country. Please visit. You are welcome as long as you are not a maid, vendor, or delivery boy.”