Crime Hyderabad

Hyderabad’s FGG calls for enhanced prosecution to curb drug offenders

Hyderabad FGG drug prosecution

Hyderabad: The infamous drugs case of 2017 which rocked the tollywood and the Telangana state cannot be brought to the logical conclusion due to failure of the prosecution wing, opines Hyderabad based think tank Forum for Good Governance(FGG). Further FGG appealed to the Telangana Chief Minister, Anummula Revanth Reddy to strengthen the prosecution wing so that the accused get deterrent punishment.

It is pertinent to note that in 2017, Telangana Prohibition and excise department officials questioned some of the celebrities including Actor Ravi Teja, Director Puri Jagannath, actress Charmi Kaur and others include Tanish, Mumaith khan, Navdeep, Subbaraju, Tarun. Many of their hair and nail samples were taken. However none of them were convicted.

“The matter was widely covered in the press. In view of the gravity of the matter a Special Investigation Team(SIT) was constituted for detailed inquiry. Based on the information provided by the drug peddlers SIT interrogated about 62 persons mostly connected with the film industry, 12 cases were booked and charge sheets were filed in Court. After 7 years of trial most of the cases were acquitted” said FGG

Excise officials in the charge sheet filed revealed the high-end drugs such as LSD(lysergic acid diethylamide) and MDM.(methylenedioxy- methamphetamine) came from abroad like Germany and Great britain. Further probe revealed the narcotic drugs were procured by placing orders through the dark net and delivered by courier.

Further FGG cited the Judgement of court – “The Court is of the considered view that the prosecution miserably failed to establish the guilt of the accused for the charged offence beyond all reasonable doubt, consequent there to, the accused are entitled for an acquittal”.

Forum for Good Governance appreciates the efforts being made by the State Government to control drug menace in the state. The Anti-Narcotic Bureau is doing a good job in booking cases. Added to it, an awareness campaign is also taken up to desist the youth from drugs consumption.

However, keeping in view of the fate of the cases booked earlier, people have doubts about the logical conclusion of the cases now being booked. The cases booked should be inquired properly, cases filed and disposed of in 2 years’ time. Forum for Good Governance therefore requested the Telangana Chief Minister, Anummula Revanth Reddy to strengthen the prosecution wing so that the accused get deterrent punishment.