Charminar Crime

Violent Financial Feud Ends in Arrests in Madannapet

financial feud

Hyderabad: The IS Sadan Police of South East Zone, Hyderabad, has successfully apprehended three individuals on Thursday for their involvement in an attempted murder case stemming from financial disagreements.

Police Arrests Three in Attempted Murder Case Triggered by Financial Dispute

The incident occurred on April 18 outside Chandraiah Huts, Madannapet, Hyderabad. The victim, Nadiri Sai Kumar alias Sai, a 26-year-old car driver from Municipal Colony, Badangpet, R.R. District, suffered injuries along with his friend, S. Sai Kumar, also a car driver from the same locality.

The accused are identified as Nadiri Srisailam, a 54-year-old plumber, his son Nadiri Jagadeeshwar @ Jeeva, a 21-year-old private employee, and another son, Nadiri Mahesh Kumar @ Raju, a 33-year-old police constable. All reside at the same address in Chandraiah Huts, Madannapet, Hyderabad.

The attack was carried out with a knife, an iron rod, and wooden sticks. The motive behind the assault was a financial dispute involving a sum of Rs.2 lakhs lent by the accused to the victim in 2022. The victim had been avoiding repayment, which led to multiple disputes.

On the day of the incident, Mahesh Kumar lured the victim to a graveyard in Owaisi Colony under the pretense of resolving the money issue. There, the other accused joined and decided to eliminate the victim. When S. Sai Kumar attempted to intervene, he was struck on the head with a stick, causing a blood injury. The assailants then forcibly took the victim to Chandraiah Huts on a Splendor bike, where they further attacked him with a knife and iron rod, resulting in bleeding injuries.

The seized items from the scene include a knife, an iron rod, a wooden stick, a Splendor bike with registration No.AP11AQ3496, and two Vivo mobile phones.

The case is under the strict supervision of D. Janaki, IPS, Dy. Commissioner of Police, South East Zone, along with T. Swamy, Addl. DCP, South East Zone. Guidance is provided by Mohammed Ghouse, ACP Santoshnagar Division, Hyderabad. The investigation is led by M. Venkat Ramaiah, Inspector of Police, with assistance from D. Vijaya Kumar, Sub-Inspector of Police, and the team at IS Sadan PS.