Editorial & Social Media Policy

HyderabadMail is committed to the accuracy and trustworthiness of news articles, headlines, and captions. We make sure that our articles provide all the relevant information and that the facts are verified. HyderabadMail does not act, formally or informally, with special interests, political, corporate, or cultural. The stories are well-balanced and impartial.

We make sure that the staff and the contributors ensure that the information and the facts cited in the articles are accurate. However, if and when a mistake is made, we are committed to correcting all errors and encourage our sources, and readers to point out any errors encountered in the articles.

If there is a major correction that modifies the whole story, it is prominently marked as “correction” at the end of the article and the part changed is clearly indicated, with the change and why the change was required.

The corrections will include: the correct information, what was originally published that was incorrect, and the date when we changed the article. Whenever errors in an article cannot be changed, the corrections are displayed in the last paragraph of the news content.

Social Media Policy for Employees

The employees are mandated to abide by the company’s code of conduct and policies. They need to avoid public demonstration of any political views on any social media or public platforms. They should not engage in any online or offline campaign or be the members of any organisation/ network. The employees are prohibited from contesting or accepting any appointment or association of whatsoever nature with any public office.

If you have any issues or corrections to communicate with us, please feel free to get in touch at hyderabadmailorg@gmail.com.