Consumer Voice Madhapur / Jubilee hills

Cockroach found in Biryani at posh restaurant in Jubilee Hills

Cockroach found in Biryani at posh restaurant in Jubilee Hills

HYDERABAD: A customer at a well-known restaurant in Jubilee Hills discovered a dead cockroach in their biryani. The customer, alarmed by the find, recorded a video of the incident, highlighting the urgent need for more stringent food safety measures in local eateries.

This isn’t the first time such concerns have arisen in Hyderabad city. Over recent days, a wave of complaints has emerged on social media, shedding light on unhygienic food practices in various restaurants.

This echoes similar incidents in the city’s past, indicating a persistent challenge in maintaining and enforcing food safety standards. It emphasizes the critical importance of addressing these concerns promptly and implementing robust measures to uphold hygiene standards across Hyderabad’s dining establishments.