General Hyderabad

Hyderabad City Security Council unveils AV Vehicle to tackle crime, enhance public safety

Av Vehicle Initiative Hyderabad

Hyderabad: The Hyderabad City Security Council (HCSC) has embarked on a pioneering initiative to foster community safety and reduce crime across Hyderabad. Spearheaded by the Hyderabad City Police Commissionerate in collaboration with various stakeholders, including government bodies, corporate entities, and concerned citizens, the campaign was formally inaugurated on June 21 at the ICC Building.

AV Vehicle Initiative to Enhance Community Safety and Crime Prevention

The centerpiece of this innovative endeavor is an Audio/Video Vehicle (AV) funded by Mind Space Raheja, highlighting their steadfast commitment to corporate social responsibility and community welfare. This AV vehicle represents a cutting-edge approach to educating the public on pivotal safety issues such as traffic safety, women’s welfare, anti-narcotics, cyber security, and physical security.

The inauguration ceremony was presided over by the Commissioner of Police, Kothakota Sreenivasa Reddy. Addressing the gathering, Commissioner Reddy expressed confidence in the campaign’s potential to captivate a diverse audience and deliver impactful messages essential for creating a safer and healthier environment throughout Hyderabad city.

“We are leveraging state-of-the-art technology through the AV vehicle to reach out to the masses effectively. This initiative marks a significant step forward in our mission to raise awareness and empower the community against various safety challenges,” Commissioner Reddy stated during his address.

The campaign launch event was attended by distinguished members of the HCSC Executive Committee, who echoed Commissioner Reddy’s sentiments on the critical importance of public engagement and proactive safety measures. The collaborative efforts between law enforcement, corporate partners, and citizens underscore a unified commitment toward making Hyderabad a safer place to live and conduct business.

The HCSC’s innovative approach through the AV vehicle promises to leverage audiovisual content to educate and inspire behavioral change among the populace. With themes ranging from road safety to cyber awareness, the campaign aims to resonate with diverse demographics across Hyderabad’s sprawling urban landscape.

“We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mind Space Raheja for their invaluable support in making this initiative possible. Their partnership has been instrumental in equipping us with the resources needed to communicate our safety messages effectively,” Commissioner Reddy acknowledged, emphasizing the pivotal role of corporate collaboration in civic initiatives.