Telangana police saves one crore from falling into the hands of cyber fraudsters

Hyderabad/ Nacharam: Thanks to the prompt response from the Telangana police, a victim got back one crore money which has been siphoned by the cyber fraudsters.
Going further into the details, on Saturday early hours, Harsh, a resident of Nacharam, was shocked to receive a series of messages to his mobile which is linked to his bank account. The messages informed about the deductions from his bank accounts. In the first message it read Rs 50 lakh were debited from his account followed by another Rs 50 lakhs and Rs 10 thousand. Harsh who was appalled by the bank alerts gathered up courage and started thinking about various ways to stop the transactions. Thanks to his quick thinking, he promptly alerted the AXIS Bank and also complained at Cyber crime helpline number 1930 about three unauthorised transactions totalling Rs 1,00,10,005.
“The Cyber Crime Helpline at the TS Cyber Security Bureau immediately uploaded the transaction details on Citizen Financial Cyber Fraud Reporting and Management System(CFCFRMS) portal, alerted AXIS Bank and HDFC Bank to which the amount was fraudulently transferred to by the suspect and ensured that the amount was put on hold,” said official statement released by the Director General of police. CFCFRMS) portal developed by the Indian cyber crime coordination Center(I4C) an arm of home ministry developed to prevent flow of money siphoned off from innocent citizens to the fraudsters
Golden hour is important
Shikha Goel, Director, TSCSB met the complainant and complimented him for reporting within 12 minutes to 1930. She also appreciated the staff of 1930 who acted promptly and made sure that the amount was put on Hold within 25 minutes of reporting to 1930.
She further said, “This is an example of swift Action by the victim in reporting the crime on 1930 within the golden hours and by the 1930 helpline staff in alerting the concerned banks and intercepting the fraudulent money from going into the hands of suspects, resulting in saving the entire amount of above Rs. 1 Crore”.
Telangana police appealed to the public through the press if any Cyber fraud happens to any victim to report Cyber Crime helpline number 1930 immediately.
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