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Hyderabad: Postal department staff asks 25 lakhs bribe job postings, CBI books

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Postal Department Staff Asks 25 Lakhs Bribe Job Postings Cbi Books

Hyderabad: The Central Bureau of Investigation(CBI) opened an investigation against employees of the postal department in the bribery case. It was alleged that the accused officials took bribes from some individual assuring them the posts of Multi tasking staff(MTS) in the postal department.

The Central investigative agency identified the accused as – Ch. Madhavi, Assistant Superintendent of Post and two other Multi Tasking staff (MTS), B. Surender Kumar and B. T. Singh from Hyderabad sorting division. It was alleged that the accused demanded a bribe of Rs. 25 lakhs from two Contingent Labourers (CL) for appointing Ten contingent labourers as MTS.

The matter came to light, after a contingent labour lodged a complaint with the postal department alleging that he was approached by the accused demanding bribes to get appointed as MTS. Subsequently a closed door meeting was convened by the accused with Nine other contingent labourers(CL) where the accused demanded bribes. He alleged, “Ch. Madhavi conducted a meeting at Divisional Office, SSRM, Hyderabad in January 2023 with Ten contingent labourers (CL) and demanded a bribe of Rs 20,000 per year of remaining service”.

Received appointment letters even before they are processed officially

A departmental inquiry was initiated against the accused on the allegations. All the contingent labourers (CL) who attended the close door meeting confirmed about the bribe demanded by the accused. The preliminary finding revealed that accused B. T. Singh and B. Surender Kumar being most junior casual labourers(CL) were appointed to MTS cadre by giving bribes in lakhs of rupees to the Divisional Office.

Further probe revealed that the Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) had met in 2021 and selected B Surender Kumar and B Trilok Singh for promotions to the MTS cadre from PTCLS. The accused received appointment orders even before the appointment orders were processed by the department.

Based on the complaint and preliminary investigations by the postal department a case was registered against Ch. Madhavi, Assistant Superintendent of Post and Two Multi Tasking staff( MTS) B. Surender Kumar and B. T Singh for commission of offences under 120-B (Criminal Conspiracy) of Indian penal code, Sections 7 & 8 of Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 (as amended in 2018)- Public Servant Obtaining Undue advantage for dishonest performance of duty,Giving undue advantage to a public servant for improper performance of duty.

CBI conducted searches at three places in Hyderabad which led to the recovery of the incriminating documents and further investigation is underway.