GHMC Commissioner Ronald Ross reveals polling details of Hyderabad

Hyderabad: District Election officials geared up for the polling for upcoming Parliamentary elections and as well as the Secunderabad Cantonment assembly bye elections, said District Election officer and GHMC Commissioner Ronald Ross on Tuesday in a press meet. Several other concerned higher officials were also present at the media briefing
According to the data released by the election officials, in Hyderabad district there are a total of 45,91,201 voters comprising 23,38,857 male voters, 22,52,008 female and 336 third gender voters. Forty Five candidates from Secunderabad, Thirty candidates from Hyderabad constituency, 15 candidates from Secunderabad cantonment assembly bye election are in fray. The state is going for polling on May 13.
Ross further revealed that there are 3,986 polling booths in the district and webcasting is done from each booth. Both manpower and machinery to conduct the polling has been in place. Roughly 1,250 central government employees were deployed as micro observers for election and training has been conducted for them. A woman official is deployed for each polling duty as well.
Around 16,776 people applied for postal ballot votes. So far 9,266 people exercise their vote through postal ballot. May 8 is the last date to utilize postal ballots. However on 9 and 10 also those people can utilize postal ballot votes at facilitation centers.
The election officers who are deployed for polling duties can avail free transportation facilities provided by Election commission.
Keeping in view the soaring temperature all the arrangements were done at the polling booths. In each and every location medical staff along with medicine kits were deployed.
Election officers are distributing voter information slips, voter guide information booklets. On polling day through queue management app voters can access the information regarding the voter line and other relevant information regarding polling booths.
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